Sunday, September 25, 2016

All Lives Matter Follow-Up

I forgot to mention the ALM article in my first post, so here's a follow up reflection!
I really enjoyed this article because I feel like it's put in a way that everyone can understand because this is a such a frustrating topic.
"...the phrase “black lives matter” also has an implicit “too” at the end: it’s saying that black lives should also matter. But responding to this by saying “all lives matter” is willfully going back to ignoring the problem"(All Lives Matter)
This article was very short so it's hard to get deep into, but there was an "actual moment of learning" for me while reading it, like we were talking about in class. I was sitting with a friend of mine who doesn't quite understand the issue with the All Lives Matter movement, and I was able to reword this article into a way that he could understand, so I was able to help him find a new point of view. Now he can ask me questions about this and other controversial topics to which he may have been blind to before. An example of this is feminism and how there is such a bad aura around it because of "crazy feminists". It's nice seeing people realize that there are different ways of approaching these difficult topics, especially as a white male/female who lives in a sheltered world.

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